Against The Wall Poland-Belarus Border Solidarity

Fight Fortress Europe Demo 14.05.22 Frankfurt (Oder)

We’re sharing a demo call for an international demonstration on May 14th in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany – FIGHT FORTRESS EUROPE – solidarity with all refugees at the EU external borders. “Images that reach us from the EU external borders – if they still reach us at these times – are more brutal than ever. Human […]

English language Poland-Belarus Border Polish language Polish-Ukrainian Border Solidarity the Weaponization of Refugees

Solidarność w dobie wojny i przesiedleń.

Niniejszy tekst jest tłumaczeniem artykułu o tym samym tytule, który ukazał się w wersji angielskiej pod adresem: This text is a translation of the article with the same title that appeared on: CrimethInc. : Solidarity in an Age of War and Displacement : Anarchists Confront the Weaponization of Refugees on the Poland-Belarus Border Artykuł jest […]