Against The Wall English language Fortress europe French language German language Italian language Poland-Belarus Border

New dam sections on the Polish-Belarussian border [EN/PL/ITA/DE/FR]

ENGLISH Construction of two more dam sections on the Polish-Belarusian border will probably start this year. The first is to be 47 km long and located on the Svisloch and Istoczanka rivers. The second will be on the Bug river on the section of the Nadbużański Oddział Straży Granicznej’s range on the border with Belarus, […]

Against The Wall English language Fortress europe Poland-Belarus Border Polish language the Weaponization of Refugees

Border in a new political reality

For several weeks now, Poland has been ruled by a ‘democratic’ government, i.e. one that is obedient to the European Commission. Immediately after the formation of the government, Donald Tusk went to Brussels to report on the task at hand and to collect his gratification – the funds earmarked for Poland, which had been suspended […]

English language Poland-Belarus Border Polish language story

Podróż / Travel #2

The story of a Daesh victim, who Polish state forces didn’t help and instead deported to Belarus twice. When ISIS came to Sinjar in 2014, they also came to our village and wanted to capture us. Some people were fighting. We had a small car that my family drove to the mountains. I stayed with […]

Against The Wall English language Fortress europe General Poland-Belarus Border Polish language Polish-Ukrainian Border the Weaponization of Refugees

Borders of humanity – documentary movie from NBT

Summer of 2021 the north-eastern European migration route was modified and established once again. The monster of EU has in turn showed its ugly face yet again too. Politicians feeding the narrative of danger through migration, lining up with right-wing and conservative forces. Europe defends its wealth with all possible means and accepts the death […]

English language Fortress europe General Poland-Belarus Border Polish language story

Podróż / Travel # 1

M. poznał*m na kursie niemieckiego w Berlinie. Jego historię dostawał*m w kawałkach, kiedy spotykaliśmy się na naukę przed testem, albo wracaliśmy po kursie – ja do domu, on do obozu. Zakochiwał*m się w tej historii, chociaż nie jest w żaden sposób wyjątkowa: nie tak dramatyczna, jak reportaże w polskich mediach liberalno-lewicowych, chwilami zbyt bliska stereotypowym […]

Against The Wall General Poland-Belarus Border Polish language

Mur nie zatrzymuje migracji, ale zabija kolejne osoby

Granice zewnętrzne UE wraz z ich ekstremalnymi środkami bezpieczeństwa wprowadziły granice z epoki kolonialnej, które podtrzymują ideały „Twierdzy Europa” kosztem życia migrantów i uchodźców. Od dwóch lat w Polsce mierzymy się z nowo otwartym szlakiem migracyjnym, który jest tak naprawdę tylko kalką, tego co dzieje się od wielu lat w innych rejonach. Jesteśmy tego świadomi […]

English language Poland-Belarus Border Solidarity

Info events in Czech Republic and Slovakia

If you happen to be in the cities below, pass by to listen about the situation on the border, polish detention centres and more. Nikdo není ilegální: kolektiv No Borders Team o situaci na polsko-běloruských hranicích Saturday 25.2. – Praha, Cross FB Sunday 26.2. – Děčín, Čajovna Ve vlnách FB Monday 27.2. – […]

English language General Poland-Belarus Border Solidarity

Fight Fortress Europe InfoTour 2022

The north-eastern European migration route experienced a devastating renaissance late summer of 2021. The monster of EU has in turn showed its ugly face yet again too. Politicians feeding the narrative of danger through migration, lining up with right-wing and conservative forces. Europe defends its wealth with all possible means and accepts the death of […]

English language Poland-Belarus Border

End of September at the border

The past week on the Polish-Belarusian border has been a busy one. Increased migratory movements indicate that once opened, the route does not close for reasons such as the erection of a wall. The fence is only a means of reinforcing the narrative of fear, giving a fleeting sense of success to politicians, while for […]

Against The Wall English language General Poland-Belarus Border Polish language the Weaponization of Refugees

A year at the border – (counter) report // Rok na granicy – (anty)sprawozdanie

[EN] [PL] Migration management – A comment on the last 12 months at the border. The border in the game of politics It’s been a year since migration once again became the most discussed topic in Poland. We have not seen so many important events unfold in almost a decade. At the anniversary we can […]